Thursday, January 23, 2014

Folly, San Jacinto Loop

On January 19, Dave Gillanders and I took advantage of the unseasonably warm weather by doing a cross-country loop over Folly and San Jacinto peaks. Leaving the car at the Seven Pines trailhead at 7AM, we followed the trail for a mile before heading off-trail to the point where the PCT leaves Fuller Ridge. From there, we whacked our way straight up Fuller Ridge to Folly Peak, which we reached around 1PM. From there, it was an easy cross-country jaunt to San Jacinto Peak. The hike down the Seven Pines Trail was slightly more eventful than desired, as we (ahem, I) lost the trail at one point and wound up finishing in the dark. We found the car exactly where we left it at 6PM. The total elevation gain was 5100 vertical feet and my legs are still sore.

Dave gazing at Folly Peak.

Weird rock formations reminiscent of Star Wars. 

Gas Can Ridge on the Northwest Face of Folly Peak

Dave savoring the bushwhacking on Fuller Ridge. 

The headwall where Gas Can Ridge terminates. 

Looking down the East Branch of the West Fork of Snow Creek (a.k.a. the Northwest Face of Folly Peak)

Boulder field below the summit of Folly Peak.

On top of Folly Peak.

 Done ascending.

In hindsight, this should have been seen as a warning not to shortcut ...

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