Sunday, March 31, 2013

Skyline on Mt. San Jacinto (#2)

At 5:30 AM on March 31, Ellen, Liz, and I started up the Skyline trail, which follows an eastern ridge on Mt. San Jacinto for 8100 vertical feet (not including some ups and downs) to the upper tram station. Minutes later, friends Steve, Patti, and Mark headed up as well. Though it got a little warm for my tastes in the bottom half, temperatures in the upper half were perfect. And there was no snow/ice in the final traverse chutes to worry about. 

We're heading just right of that high point in the middle. 

Ellen and Liz with Mt. San Gorgonio in the background. 

Some tempting tuna (I think) at flat rock. 

 Yet another vegetation zone. 

We'll be traversing through the pines to the obvious crag (Coffman's Crag). There are a couple couloir crossings in there that can be very hazardous when filled with ice/snow.

Traversing to Coffman's Crag.

 At Coffman's Crag.

The top of the Skyline trail. Just ten more minutes to the upper tram station.

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