Saturday, April 7, 2012

Pleasants Peak

It's taken a week for me to post this, so I think I'll just let the photos do most of the talking.  The walk to and from Pleasants Peak (4000+ feet) involved ~3000 feet of elevation gain (lots of ups and downs) and ~16 miles. 

 This grassy stretch of the Main Divide Road is clearly visible from much of Orange County.

 More of the grassy stretch. 

 I seem to see a wrecked vehicle on every hike in the Santa Anas. I jokingly asked Dave to climb inside of this one for a photo ... and he did.

 Dave and Miguel on the rather uninspiring summit. 

Indian Warrior (pedicularis densiflora)

 Knobcone pine cones growing right out of the trunk.  Weird!

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