Monday, February 13, 2012

Sugarloaf Ridge to Ontario Peak

Last weekend (February 5 to be precise), six of us scampered up the mostly off-trail Sugarloaf Ridge route to the summit of Ontario Peak in the San Gabriels.  The route involves hiking for about 15 minutes up the popular Icehouse Canyon Trail, stepping off trail and scrambling up Falling Rock Canyon for an hour or so, swimming up the scree slope to Sugarloaf Saddle, negotiating Sugarloaf Ridge for a couple hours, and finally intersecting the beaten path for a few minutes to the craggy top. If I recall correctly, it took about 6.5 hours, including a descent of the friendly, albeit icy, trail. 

Patrick swimming up the scree slope to Sugarloaf Saddle. 

Not much snow in early February on the north side of Ontario Peak.  

Tracie and Norma near the top of Sugarloaf Ridge with a snow-free Baldy Bowl in the background.  This is February? 

The gang (Norma, Tracie, Phil, Patrick, and Dave) on the trail back to Icehouse Saddle.

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