Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sugarloaf Peak

At 6:00AM this morning, Dave Gillanders, Patrick Moran and I began hiking by headlamp up the rutted San Juan Trail toward Sugarloaf Peak.  By 8:30, we were trying to negotiate the summit boulders whilst talking each other out of attempting stupid things.

I was hoping that Sugarloaf Peak was the picturesque pyramidal peak I've been seeing from various vantage points in the Santa Anas.  But alas, it wasn't.  That pyramidal peak (which I now know is called Old Sugarloaf, thanks to an anonymous comment below) was a mile west and 100 feet higher.

The numbers: ~13 miles, ~2400 vertical feet, 4.5 hours.

 Dave and Patrick a little after sunrise. 

 Sugaloaf Peak is on the right and Old Sugarloaf is on the left. 

 Patrick stemming between the summit boulders. 

Old Sugarloaf


  1. The pyramidal peak is Old Sugarloaf (3,326'). It's peak trail ascends 550' to a class 1-2 scramble that leads to the peak register (red cans) and good views of Los Pinos peak to the NNE.

  2. Great blog! I see your friend Patrick stemming between the summit boulders, did you guys make the leap from the lower boulder to the highest? It was a little too airy for me. I went back with a rope to get the highest summit boulder.
