Saturday, December 3, 2011

Register Ridge . . . again

Here is a quick, belated post about our jaunt up Mt. Baldy last Sunday.  We started moving a little after 6:00 AM and summitted via Register Ridge at 9:00ish. There was virtually no wind, which was almost eerie.  We didn't really encounter snow until intersecting the Devil's Backbone Trail.  However, there was quite a lot of snow on the Ski Hut Trail from the summit down to the bottom of the bowl, which made mini-spikes useful.  We were back to the parking lot (sans port-a-potty!) around noon.

Ryan and Patrick finding Register Ridge to be hilarious.

 Tina showing off her fat lip. 

 The final push to the summit on the Devil's Backbone Trail (above Register Ridge). 

 Tina and Ryan doing something rare on Baldy summit: having a quiet conversation in unusual wind-less conditions. 

 Patrick tele-commuting on the summit with Mt. Baden Powell in the background.  The snowy Sierras were also visible in the distance. 

 A Rick Graham sighting on the summit -- this is apparently a common occurrence. 

Baldy Bowl.  The Ski Hut Trail goes through the steepish snow on the left.


  1. Sam, the porta-potties disappeared some weeks ago by San Antonio Falls Rd and by the trout ponds. No one knows why. The county's response is, 'Really? You need those?' It's... eerie. First two snows we had on the mountain--no snow plow. I'm... suspicious....

  2. Kay: Hmmmm, bizarre. What do you think is going on?
