Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fresh Snow in SoCal

On Monday, after the big weekend storm, my wife and I went to Top of the World Park in Laguna Beach for some snowy mountain vistas.  Actually, she went to geek out on plants and birds, but I was eager to see the fruits of the storm. 

The San Gabriel Mountains.  Mt. Baldy is right of center.

Rare snow on the Santa Ana Mountains.  Modjeska Peak on left, Santiago Peak on right. 

Prickly Pear Cactus


  1. Sam, these are great! Hope you waved while you were in Laguna! Waking up to a foot of fresh powder on Sunday morning was awesome. The neighbors & I had a get-together during the snowstorm and I took my guitar. Folk music, wine and snacks in front of a big fire while we watched the snow fall outside = heaven.
